Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Celebrate an Edgy 2009 - Bring on a Rampant 2010!

way to much Christmas Cheers ... luckily no vom-vom action this year! nice and quiet but i surely miss my Sydney posse + digs.

Change was defiantly a theme of mine this year: new hair styles & vouching never to go out in the Dubbo nightlife, full of disconcert and monotony.

2 major exhibitions that i will be participating in '10 - Dubbo Library Around the World and Lazy River Estate | Vineyard Feast : will keep you posted on my Fresh Arts track.

A new age is dawning and i can not wait one moment for my second year
to begin. Welcome in the New Year, Party On & end '09 with a Bang *

Love, Peace and Puppies

Meeko and Meeka

Monday, December 7, 2009

: momento mori

the current sketch that i'm working from for a new artwork.


in my absence i have been working; job hunting; eating beautiful home cooked foods; singing; yelling; adoring new pets; reminiscing about the good times with close friends & downloading like mad.

i regret to inform those on facebook, beware!  friends that do not write to me in the next 48 hours will be deleted... ha.

in other news -

i sold 3 prints @ the local art fair at the gallery this recent sunday. very excited as i know they will be in good hands. can't wait to get more prints off the roller now.

will be doing workshops with a local artist on monday = + experience under the belt...

INSANELY CRAZY about GAGA @ canberra in march of next year!