Thursday, September 24, 2009

i have cofa-itis.

'experiment' - just playing around with the development process.
and i came out with this. love|hate relationship with photography. ha.


cofaistis : (ko-pha-eye-tiz) [Med.] (see UNSWism) n.
a compulsive disturbance that affects one in four cofa students. incapacitates effective study, art-making practices and assignment progress.

i don't know what is is about uni, but i seem to be getting crazier everyday?
all assignments pile up after one another and i am just getting buried by these
obstacles. 2 assessments to go before a few weeks of more assignment build up...
i shouldn't be complaining because i chose this path.

i can put complaining down to being lazy, wanting to party hard and just
plain loss of control!

sure there's many more good things to come just like -
parklife which is 10 days away! i shall be set.


  1. the little love stones!! that is honestly the sweetest photo in the whole world

  2. why thank you jenn! i love that you love them :)


'et toi?